Monday, September 28, 2009

The Demise of a Nation (cont.), by Murray Regan

It strikes me as wildly hypocritical and utterly reprehensible that our elected officials constantly preach to the American people on any issue of the day, citing the moral high ground on such things as injustice and inequality in America, when they are the one’s promoting it the most. To make matters worse, they fail at every level to practice what they preach and consistently lie, steal and cheat the American people out of billions, and now trillions, of hard earned taxpayer dollars in government waste, fraud, corruption, failed ideas and policies to satisfy their own selfish wants, self aggrandizement, and warped sense of right and wrong. They practice the politics of hate and tear each other down at every opportunity, at the expense of everything else, especially at the expense of doing what is right for the American people and the country, as a whole. The so-called “Liberal” factions in this country are especially practiced at these disingenuous smear campaigns and continually bristle at the idea of, and lash out at, anyone perceived as doing the very same to them. They act like little children whining that they didn’t get a cookie and blame others for their shortcomings never taking responsibility for their own mistakes or misdeeds.

To eliminate this unfortunate consequence of such a flawed system run by the flawed human condition in our leaders (tongue firmly planted in cheek), the system must change, and I don’t mean toward socialism. The control of our resources and money should be redirected into the hands of local governments so we know exactly where our money and resources are going and not rely on politicians in Washington, where the money is out of our control as to where it goes and to whom it is given. The promise of responsible and accountable government, so far from the source of the resources on which it thrives, is a fantasy and a lie, constantly promoted by those who seek to subvert individual liberties and freedoms. In the end, we are a republic of 50 states and it is at the local level where the power should reside where it is much easier to hold people accountable. To be sure, for all its faults, the system our forefathers created is the best in the world and held in high esteem by many. Sadly, however, it is slipping away because of the hubris, greed, and poor judgment of those we elect to represent us. There is a saying, which we should all heed. The saying goes…the government that is big enough to give you what you want, is a government big enough to take everything you have. This truism is closer than you think to becoming reality and to ignore it is to do so at our own peril as a nation.

It has gotten to the point now that other socialist countries are warning the United States against its proclivity to borrow and spend. In fact, there is a back-lash presently underway in Europe against Socialism. In this country, the taxpayers currently work nearly half a year to pay the taxes levied against them. The way things are “progressing,” we will look back on this state of affairs with fondness because to pay for the mounting debt we are now facing will require huge tax increases. The movement toward socialism is happening right under our noses and the Republican Party is bickering over the direction it should take. It seems plainly obvious to me in what direction it should go – to be blunt the “powers that be” should stop worrying about their own power grab and start worrying about the direction the country is taking under democratic rule. If the Republicans focus on their core principles of small government, lower taxation, less government intrusion into our private lives, and more focus on individual freedoms, the Republicans will reach their objectives and regain power in Congress and the White House.

Be forewarned, however, the events of the last few decades, with particular focus on recent history, must be reversed if we are to survive as a nation and remain a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. This fiscal year alone, we are facing a $2 trillion deficit. Also, Congress is currently debating a massive government implemented health care system projected to cost $2 trillion over the next decade alone, as well as a “value added” tax, which will add additional sales taxes on everything we purchase. In one European nation, the value added tax doubles the cost of a vehicle for each consumer. The “cap and trade” energy policy touted by Mr. Obama will cost every household upwards of $2,000 annually to pay for it. We must stop this madness now.

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