Tuesday, December 22, 2009



When did "IN GOD WE TRUST" become something evil?  When did our Judeo-Christian principles and belief system become something to attack and to scorn?  When did saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" become a crime or intolerant?  Why do we allow anti-American sentiment to form our domestic and foreign policy agendas?  Why do we no longer embrace sovereignty as a nation?  Why do we allow others to break our laws and, after doing so, provide them safe harbor?  Why do we spend our treasury housing, feeding, educating, and defending those criminals?  When, in a time of war, did it become okay to try illegal enemy combatants in federal court with all the constitutional protections afforded American citizens?  When engaged with an enemy in war time, why do we put limits on the rules of engagement and unnecessarily risk the lives of our men and women in uniform?  Why do we no longer fight conflicts with the intent to WIN? 

Why do we now have "reverse discrimination," and when did that become okay?  Why do we have politicians who live to divide the American people along racial lines, rather than bring us together as "Americans" and move the nation forward as one "undivided people?"  Why do we have legislators that seek to exacerbate the issue of race, or sexual preference, in America by passing a "hate crimes" bill, having as its sole purpose to prosecute certain acts, based on these factors (aren't crimes by definition hateful acts regardless of race, gender, or other reasons?)?  The undeniably perverted truth is that certain factions in this country will use this legislation to exert a toll on those they perceive to be their enemy and, rather than improve race relations, will ultimately harm and possibly reverse all the good that has come to pass in the last fifty years.  Why are we "the American people" accused of being "a nation of cowards?"  Why are extreme far left groups allowed to influence our way of life to the point of changing who we are as a people, how we conduct economic policy, and what we stand for as a nation to the detriment of all?  Why won't the left have a rational debate, instead of accusing those who hold a different view as being a racist, a war monger, a Nazi, a tea bagger, or a greedy capitalist?  Why are we allowing this assault on our way of life from the very people we elect as our representatives in Washington? 

Why are we apologizing for being the greatest nation on the face of the earth?  When chastised, why do we not proudly stand and proclaim; if not for America, the world would be far worse off.  For all its foibles, America is where people come to escape the kinds of hatred, genocide, political oppression, and lack of opportunity experienced in other parts of the world   Instead of castigating the nation, why do we not promote America as "a beacon of hope and freedom," as an inspiration to the rest of the world?  Clearly, while other countries criticize the U.S., their own citizens are clamoring to seek refuge in this country. 

When did the spoils of our labor become property of the US Government to redistribute?  When did it start to make sense to hold a "JOBS SUMMIT" without inviting and listening to the organizations that represent businesses in America, like the "Chamber of Commerce, etc.?  When did politicians stop believing in the American people to lift themselves out of bad economic times?  When did the politicians fail to understand that government is not the answer to mankind's problems?  Why do the democrats think that socialism will work, when across the globe it has failed at every level?  Why is the Chinese culture turning to western capitalistic principles to increase their wealth, and succeeding while the rest of the world is struggling? 

Why has our own government become "Anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-business, ant-freedom?  When did capitalism become something to destroy?  Why are we, as a people, forsaking our values, our history, our heritage, and our freedom?  Why have "WE THE PEOPLE" allowed this to happen? 

Who will change this circumstance?  Who will stand up for the principles this country was founded upon?  Who will stand up for freedom?  Who will restore the country to its rightful place in the world?  Who will be brave and stand up for America?  I'm just asking.

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