November 27, 2007
Now that Fall has sprung, so to speak, the Milton Ma Republican Town Committee has resumed its schedule of monthly meetings. Our next meeting is scheduled for 11/27/07 at its usual location in the basement of Town Hall at 7:30 PM. Meetings last until about 9:00, unless debate heats up and then who knows.
At our most recent meeting on October 16, the committee covered a range of topics including accepting nominations for the State Committee Man position for our senatorial district. BTW, all that is required are 50 valid signatures by November 9, 2007 for your nomination to be accepted. Voting occurs during the Presidential Primary election in March.
We also committed ourselves to regular postings on this blog. The committee has prepared an aggressive list of topics where we will express our opinions. Our goal is to link key topics at the international, federal and state level to the local interests of Milton's citizen's. Without giving away the store, our topics range from Healthcare reform of town employees to advocating customer focused schools to considering school choice within Milton. We hope that this blog will become a place for Milton citizen's to turn for local political information and specifically to learn what being a Republican means at the local level here in Milton.
See you in November.