Monday, December 19, 2011

Obama Driving America into Bankruptcy?

Obama Driving America into Bankruptcy?

The last three years represent the worst economic trend, ever.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

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Republican Presidential Debate, Iowa 12/15/2011

Fox News Iowa GOP debate from Sioux City
Participants: Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney, Santorum

Watch the Fox News Iowa GOP debate from Sioux City
By Nate, on December 16th, 2011

Thursday evening saw the last GOP debate before voters cast their ballots in the Iowa caucuses on January 3rd. The debate was sponsored by Fox News and the Republican Party of Iowa. It was held at the Sioux City Convention Center in Sioux City, Iowa.

This was cut short. The ending segments are not available.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

MRTC Update December 15, 2011

Milton Republican Town Committee Blogspot Update December 15, 2011


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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Watch the ABC News/Yahoo Iowa Republican Debate

Watch the entire ABC News/Yahoo Iowa Republican Debate

Original Air Time: Saturday, December 10 at 9pm ET on ABC

The debate was sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo! News, WOI-TV, the Des Moines Register and the Republican Party of Iowa.

This was the first debate held since Herman Cain ended his 2012 run leaving just 6 candidates on stage to field questions. Jon Huntsman did not meet the polling requirements set forth by ABC to participate in this debate.

Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul

On Saturday evening ABC presented a GOP debate live from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The debate was sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo! News, WOI-TV, the Des Moines Register and the Republican Party of Iowa.


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Friday, December 9, 2011

MRTC New Member Party December 8, 2011

Milton Massachusetts Republican Town Committee New Member Party held December 8, 2011

Join us at our next meeting at the Milton Library downstairs conferance room on January 10, 2012 (second Tuesday as usual) – no December meeting  All are welcome to attend.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Number 2 of Top Ten Places to Live in America

Milton, MA Voted #2 of the Top Ten Places to Live in USA


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Local Redistricting Milton Massachusetts for 2012

Local Redistricting is explained by James G Mullen Jr, Town Clerk Milton Massachusetts beginning in 2012.
Producer and Host Bob Hiss, Chairman Milton Republican Town Committee leads the discussion and questioning.

This program is available ON DEMAND here at the MRTC Blogspot. Additional programs may be added for your convenient viewing - JOIN THIS SITE for future announcements.

You can view MRTV on Milton's Cable Public Access Channel, Comcast and RCN.

Current Broadcast times on MILTON ACCESS:
Tuesday 6:00PM
Thursday 10:00AM


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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chris Christie: Obama What the Hell Are We Paying You For?

Chris Christie to Obama:
What the Hell Are We Paying You For?

Gov. Chris Christie on Obama's failures. November 28, 2011.
Not an endorsement of or by the MRTC - Information only


MRTC Website
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Welcome to New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 2011 at 7:00PM in the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills]

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Be thankful for all our bounty, good fortune and success. Let us share our blessings with our family, friends and others.


MRTC Website
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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 2011 at 7:00PM in the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills]

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CNN GOP National Security debate Washington, DC November 23rd, 2011

Watch the full CNN GOP National Security debate

By Nate, on November 23rd, 2011
Eight GOP candidates met Tuesday for a debate sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The debate was held at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The focus was primarily national security and foreign policy.

Original Air Time: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 8pm ET on CNN

Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney, Santorum

Here is the entire debate video from YouTube:


Not an endorsement of or by the MRTC - Information only


MRTC Website
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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills]

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Outraged by the Lack of Leadership

An Editorial Opinion
- Outraged by the Lack of Leadership.
A personal opinion and observation by Raymond Balta

Not an endorsement of or by the MRTC - Information only


MRTC Website
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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills]

If you have an article, video or work  of relevance you wish to submit, write to us.

Monday, November 21, 2011

60 Minutes: Steve Kroft takes a look at Grover Norquist

60 Minutes: Steve Kroft takes a look at Grover Norquist

Uploaded by CBSNewsOnline on Nov 20, 2011

Steve Kroft takes a look at Grover Norquist, the man many blame for holding up the deficit-reduction process because of the anti-tax pledges he has obtained from nearly all the Republican politicians in Washington.

See this 13:32 minute segment

Not an endoresement of or by the MRTC - Information only


MRTC Website
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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills]

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Questioning Pelosi and .. : Steve Kroft heads to D.C. on Insider Trading

From 60 Minutes   November 13, 2011
"Nobody would talk to us." That's what 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft says happened when he tried to get members of Congress to talk about "insider trading" on Capitol Hill.

It turns out that it is not illegal for member of Congress to make stock trades using inside information they learn while working on legislation, and Steve had some questions about some specific stock trades.


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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills}

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Iowa Presidential Debate November 19, 2011 Des Moines, Iowa

Video: Watch the full Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum
By Nate, on November 19th, 2011
Saturday afternoon, six GOP candidates participated in the Thanksgiving Family Forum which focused primarily on social issues surrounding the 2012 election.

The forum was sponsored by The Family Leader and took place at the First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa. Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman were also invited, however, both declined to attend.

Original Event Date: Saturday, November 19, 2011

Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Perry, Santorum

Here is the entire video of the forum, moderated by pollster Frank Luntz. The actual candidate forum begins at about 30 minutes in if you jump ahead.

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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills}

GOP Debate from South Carolina aired November 12th, 2011

Video: Watch the entire CBS News GOP debate from South Carolina
By Nate, on November 13th, 2011
The first GOP debate aired on a national broadcast network took place Saturday evening from Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Eight Republican candidates participated in the debate sponsored by CBS News, The National Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party. The topic of the debate focused primarily on foreign policy.

Original Air Time: Saturday, November 12, 2011 on CBS

Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, Romney, Santorum

Here is the entire 80 minute debate video including the last 30 minute portion not aired on television by CBS:

MRTC Website
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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills}

Friday, November 18, 2011

Three and Half Days - The Occupiers

Suggested by a contributor:

The Occupy Wall Street protesters are complaining about everything from corporations to having to repay student loans. Is America the victim of its own success? Have we created a generation of self-entitled cry babies? Is it time to make these people spend three and half days in the woods so that they can appreciate what capitalism has given them? Find out

Suggested by a Contributor - not the opinion of or endorsed by the MRTC.

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Complete CNBC Republican debate from Michigan November 9, 2011

Watch the full CNBC Republican debate from Michigan

SOURCE CREDIT By Nate, on November 9th, 2011

Wednesday night, live from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, eight GOP candidates participated in a debate sponsored by CNBC focused solely on the economy. The questions were mostly substantive to the topic despite some sneering and snipping from moderators at times. The candidates largely avoided attacking each other in favor of sticking to the issues.

Original Air Time: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 on CNBC

Here is the entire debate in 3 parts from CNBC.

Total of 102 minutes. Includes PART 3 which was not televised




See PART 3 which was not televised

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New Member Meeting to be held on December 8, 7:00PM at the Library Room,
 88 Wharf [Milton Lower Mills}

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cain-Gingrich Lincoln-Douglas debate

Watch the full
 Cain-Gingrich Lincoln-Douglas debate

held November 6th, 2011
View in FULL VIEW - ALLOW TIME TO LOAD - may be up to a few minutes depending on your systems speed.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Redistricting Milton: Must See Look at the Town’s New Precincts

Milton Republican Cable: “Redistricting Milton: A Look at the Town’s New Precincts”
August 10, 2011
Why is Milton losing a precinct? Why must every Town Meeting Member run for reelection next year? Will my polling location change? These are some of the many questions Town Clerk James Mullen will answer as guest of Milton Republican TV’s (MRTV) latest cable broadcast “Redistricting Milton “ to be aired on Milton Access Television on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. on Comcast channels 8, 10 and 22 or RCN channels 3, 13 and 15 until the next episode.

Robert Hiss, chairman of the Milton Republican Town Committee, will lead Mr. Mullen through a discussion encompassing the redistricting process and its impact on Milton voters. Mr. Mullen has recently completed the redistricting process for the Town for the fourth time. “Federal law mandates congressional districts be redrawn every ten years,” notes Mr. Mullen. “Every precinct in Milton was affected this time; it will change town meeting representation.” Mr. Mullen has more than 39 years of serving local government and is currently Town Clerk and a Town Meeting Member.

MRTV is sponsored by the Milton Republican Town Committee.
If you missed tonight's [Tuesday's] informative MRTV broadcast at 6:00PM, see it again Thursday at 10:00AM or the following Tuesday - program repeats until a new episode is created. This is a must see, very informative 28 minute telecast.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Paul Ryan - Republican Address to the Nation and Limited Government

SPENDING: "In one of our first acts in the new majority, House Republicans voted to cut Congress's own budget."

BUDGET: "Americans are skeptical of both political parties, and that skepticism is justified -- especially when it comes to spending. So hold all of us accountable."

FISCAL CHALLENGE AHEAD: "Our nation is approaching a tipping point. We are at a moment, where if government's growth is left unchecked and unchallenged, America's best century will be considered our past century."

DEBT LIMIT: "Whether sold as 'stimulus' or repackaged as 'investment,' their actions show they want a federal government that controls too much; taxes too much; and spends too much; in order to do too much and spends too much in order to do too much."

ROLE OF GOVERNMENT: "We believe government's role is both vital and limited -- to defend the nation from attack and provide for the common defense; to secure our borders; to protect innocent life; to uphold our laws and Constitutional rights; to ensure domestic tranquility and equal opportunity; and to help provide a safety net for those who cannot provide for themselves."

LIMITED GOVERNMENT: "We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity."

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Milton Republican TV

MRTV is available in Milton at our cable public access channel biweekly.
  • Tuesday's 6:00PM
  • Thursday's 10:00AM
Current program:
 The Town of Milton Redistricting Process 
Hosted by Bob Hiss, Chairman MRTC and explained by Jim Mullen, Milton Town Clerk. View this very informative explanation of the redistricting process. See why the entire Town was redistricted for 2012.

The program is repeated until a new episode is created. Share this blog announcement using your social network link below or use email. Spead the news.

Become a FOLLOWER of the blog - Join the Site - tell a friend.

Milton Republicans website

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Citizens For Limited Taxation

MRTV [Milton Republican TV]
Mary Beth Sorgi Chairperson

Mary Beth Sorgi led a discussion for format / content for MRTV. One of the three topics was Citizens for limited taxation.

Here is a three part series on this topic:
Barbara Anderson of Citizens For Limited Taxation three part series, speaking at the Newburyport Republican Committee Meeting- May 27, 2009.

MRTV is available in Milton at the public access channel biweekly.
  • Tuesday's 6:00PM
  • Thursday's 10:00AM
The program is repeated until a new episode is created.

Share this blog announcement using your social network link below.


Milton Republicans website

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Milton Republicans Welcome You

Join this site and the Milton Republican Town Committee.

If you belong to a social network, forward this announcement to your contacts - At Twitter, Facebook etc. at the bottom of this post.

Milton Massachusetts Republican Town Committee

Saturday, April 16, 2011

U.S. Tax Code Is One of World's Most Progressive

The United States has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world, and has become much more progressive in the past 30 years, says Richard Rahn, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute.
  • The top 1 percent of taxpayers pay 38 percent of all the income taxes despite having just 20 percent of the income.
  • The top 10 percent of taxpayers pay 70 percent of the income tax while having just 46 percent of the income.
  • At the other end, the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers pay just 2.7 percent of the income tax while having 13 percent of the income.
This has resulted in a situation in which a relatively small minority of taxpayers pay the bulk of the taxes, while most American pay little or no income tax.  This is causing an increasing disconnect between benefits from government and what most citizens pay for.  One result is a greater polarization in the political realm where a majority of citizens increasingly demand more government benefits for which they want others to pay.
The Swedes were on this same destructive path, but they reversed course over the last couple of decades and made their tax system far less progressive, even though their tax rates at all levels are above most of those in the United States.  The result has been a tempering of demand for new government services as people at all income levels realize they will be the ones paying for those services and not some mythical "rich" person.  The side benefit is that Sweden, as a result of tax and other reforms, now has one of the highest economic growth rates in the world, says Rahn.

Source: Richard W. Rahn, "Tax Inequity," Washington Times, April 11, 2011.
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