Monday, November 24, 2014

New video surfaces with controversial Obamacare consultant

CBS NewsNovember 21, 2014, 2:26 AM

WASHINGTON - A new video has surfaced showing economist Jonathan Gruber, who made controversial comments about how the Affordable Care Act was written, talking about states' opposition to the Medicaid expansion in the law, and the role poverty may play in its success or failure.

Read full article:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Charlie Baker - Boston Globe Endorsement

Charlie Baker for governor

To move Mass. forward, state government must work better

 Boston Globe October 26, 2014

This year’s race for governor unfolds beneath mostly sunny skies. In the last eight years, Massachusetts withstood a brutal recession far better than most states did. It came through a terrorist bombing more unified than it had been. Greater Boston’s innovation economy is thriving, and a construction boom is reshaping the skyline.....

During this campaign, he has focused principally on making state government work better. The emphasis is warranted. And in that spirit, the Globe endorses Charlie Baker for governor.

Read Full Article:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Massachusetts State Debt Among Highest in US
Friday, January 10, 2014  Zeke Wright, GoLocalWorcester Contibutor
Massachusetts has the fourth highest level of outstanding debt per capita in the nation: The state owes $3,816 per resident, a combination of bonds, leases, and other government-issued debts.
And that number doesn't included unfunded public pension and other post employment benefit liabilities.
In a new report this week, the national public policy group State Budget Solutions tallies a total combined $129.55 billion in state debt owed in the Commonwealth. (The report doesn't consider municipal or federal debt.)
That “total state debt” figure in Massachusetts equals $19,493 for every resident according to Cory Eucalitto, a SBS editor and author of the report. But the numbers, particularly for pensions, are hotly contested.
“Yes, the Commonwealth has debt ... (and) relative to other states, our debt is fairly high,” acknowledged Scott Jordan, Massachusetts' undersecretary of administration and finance. “But there are good reasons for it.”

The link to the entire article is on at:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

President George H.W. Bush celebrates his 90th birthday

Happy 90th Birthday to President George H.W. Bush!
Born here in Milton, Massachusetts on June 12, 1924.

The Milton Republican Town Committee (MRTC) just completed a project to restore the grounds surrounding the President George H.W. Bush birthplace marker located at 173 Adams Street.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MRTV Hosts MA State Rep Shaunna O'Connell on EBT fraud and abuse

In November, MA State Rep Shaunna O'Connell visited MRTV to illustrate some of the serious problems facing this important program.  You can either view it live on Milton Cable Access or watch it here.

Friday, March 14, 2014

MRTV Hosts State Rep Geoff Diehl on the Gas Tax

Beginning the week of March 17, MRTV on Milton Cable Access will present a 30 minute interview with MA State Representative Geoff Diehl on his efforts to put a measure on the November 2014 ballot which repeals the automatic annual CPI based increase on the gas tax.  Take a look here.