I wanted to report back to you on the results of yesterday’s “Support Our Troops” event at the American Legion Post’s Heritage Hall in Milton. I believe it is fair to say that this event was a big success in more ways than one. According to Steve Doyle, President of CarePacks, Inc., who along with several of his board members actively participated, the event was a success. In addition to the nearly $1,500 in checks (still more to come), we received, donations of “wish list items” from scores of contributors, filled an entire storage bin in CarePacks’ Weymouth warehouse.
We all learned a lot from this event and next year, we will be even better prepared and organized. There are a lot of people I want to thank who made this all possible. From the MRTC, I want to thank Murray Regan, Event Coordinator, who really stepped up early and often and who worked diligently and with commitment. Murray did a fabulous job and deserves a big round of applause. There are others from the MRTC who also worked very hard – Janet Christensen, Janet Irwin and family, Maralin Manning, Mimi Sundstrom, John and Astrid Hajjar, Bob Hiss, Bob Reetz, Lynda-Lee Sheridan, Chris Huban and I am sure others who worked behind the scenes. I also want to thank Jennifer Logue, Chairwoman of the Quincy Republican City Committee and Paul Burke of the QRCT, two people who did yeomen’s work and really generated a lot of support from Quincy. Gratitude is also to be extended to Paul Nephew, Commander of the American Legion Post and Milton Police Officer Ed Villard. In addition, many thanks to Bernie Lynch and Mike and Chris Lynch of Milton Cable Access who really helped to get the word out. And many thanks to the several sponsors including, Milton Fruit Center, Quincy Credit Union, Quincy Fire Fighters Local 792, Frito-Lay, Costco, Tino’s Pizza, William J. Sullivan Insurance Agency, Radio Coffee House, Grono & Christie, Atlantic Insurance Group Agency, Fitness Unlimited and Montillio’s Bakery. Others that deserve a round of applause include John Campo, Boy Scout Troop Master and his band of young scouts, and also the group of terrific young ladies from Milton High School, who really had community spirit. I am sure I left some people out, and if I did, I apologize.
I also want to thank Milton Selectman John Shields for stopping by to lend his support. Although this event was co-sponsored by the Quincy and Milton Republican Committees, this in no way was a political event. Rather, it was an event designed to embrace a great cause which is to send to our men and women of the military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, who sacrifice their lives every day so you and I can live in freedom, an expression of our gratitude. This event, a token of our appreciation to all who serve our country, was not a political event nor did it have any political undertones. Rather, it was a demonstration of how all Americans who truly appreciate their country and who dedicate themselves to making America the great nation it is, can put petty politics aside and rally around our troops and say “thank you.” The people who took the time to go out and purchase “wish list” items and write checks, and pass out flyers and send e-mails, included Republicans, Independents and Democrats, and what they all have in common is a love of their country and those who protect us. I would like to think that the absence of our other elected officials was because they either were not aware of the event or had a pre-arranged commitment.
Regardless of the reason for the absence of other elected Milton officials, our “Support the Troops” event will be an annual event until every American military man and woman is back safe in American. God Bless our Troops – God Bless America, and Happy Birthday America.
I wish all of you a wonderful, safe, and dry Fourth of July.
Richard L. Pilla