Re article:Scott MacKeen, For Obama, 2010 will tell the greater tale.
In response to Mr. MacKeen's article, let's look at the facts. We now have the most liberal president since Jimmy Carter. He constantly blames Pres. Bush for everything. Since Obama took office, we have lost more than 3.5 MM jobs and increased the deficit to $1.42 trillion and counting.
Within two days, he signed a document to close Guantanamo Bay with no back up plan. Isn't that what the democrats said about Pres. Bush..no back up plan? General McChrystal is still waiting for an answer to his plan for more troops. We no longer have terrorists or a war on terror, but criminals and overseas contingencies or man caused disasters. Now five of the most dangerous terrorists are being tried as civilians in NY and the Fort Hood massacre was an act of terror by a radical Islamic Jihadist and the result of political correctness, which he refuses to acknowledge.
Pres. Obama was never vetted by the worshiping press and has surrounded himself with socialist radicals, such as Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Bill Ayers, George Soros, SEIU president (his most frequent visitor), ACORN (a corrupt illegal enterprise), and Rev. Wright, who he listened to for 20 years and claims didn't hear him condemning our country.
He immediately goes on an "apology tour" badmouthing America, instead of promoting America as a great and generous nation that has done more for human rights, the poor, the downtrodden, and the oppressed in the world than any other nation in history.
The rhetoric used by this president is totally contrary with the reality of his policies. If you take Pres. Obama at his word, you are either badly misinformed or blind to the facts.Transparency, lobbyists, ethics, bi-partisanship, jobs, you name it.. what was promisedin the campaign has yet to be remotely acted upon or realized.
Real unemployment is now at 17.5%, when including those no longer eligible to collect those under-employed, and those that have stopped looking.
The healthcare bill is being shoved down our throats, with no transparency, and will end up turning the country into a socialist nation and bankrupting it in the process. The democrats have hidden behind closed doors and have stooped to buying votes for $300 MM just to bring it to the floor for consideration. Rep. Pelosi wants a VAT tax,and Sen. Obey wants a surtax for the war in Afghanistan on salaries low as $30,000.00. These are just a few of the facts.
I can't wait for 2010 when we can vote out the democrats who are bankrupting this country. While Pres. Bush was no bargain, he was a piker compared to Pres. Obama. The government should not control everything, for if they do we will become another Venezuela. There is no free lunch, someone has to pay for it, and that someone is us, "the taxpayer".
Let's hope common sense prevails in the coming months. We desperately need it,
because the above will negatively change our way of life forever.
Dotty Fahey