Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Redistricting Milton: Must See Look at the Town’s New Precincts

Milton Republican Cable: “Redistricting Milton: A Look at the Town’s New Precincts”
August 10, 2011 http://www.02186.mytownmatters.com/
Why is Milton losing a precinct? Why must every Town Meeting Member run for reelection next year? Will my polling location change? These are some of the many questions Town Clerk James Mullen will answer as guest of Milton Republican TV’s (MRTV) latest cable broadcast “Redistricting Milton “ to be aired on Milton Access Television on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. on Comcast channels 8, 10 and 22 or RCN channels 3, 13 and 15 until the next episode.

Robert Hiss, chairman of the Milton Republican Town Committee, will lead Mr. Mullen through a discussion encompassing the redistricting process and its impact on Milton voters. Mr. Mullen has recently completed the redistricting process for the Town for the fourth time. “Federal law mandates congressional districts be redrawn every ten years,” notes Mr. Mullen. “Every precinct in Milton was affected this time; it will change town meeting representation.” Mr. Mullen has more than 39 years of serving local government and is currently Town Clerk and a Town Meeting Member.

MRTV is sponsored by the Milton Republican Town Committee.
If you missed tonight's [Tuesday's] informative MRTV broadcast at 6:00PM, see it again Thursday at 10:00AM or the following Tuesday - program repeats until a new episode is created. This is a must see, very informative 28 minute telecast.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Paul Ryan - Republican Address to the Nation and Limited Government

SPENDING: "In one of our first acts in the new majority, House Republicans voted to cut Congress's own budget."

BUDGET: "Americans are skeptical of both political parties, and that skepticism is justified -- especially when it comes to spending. So hold all of us accountable."

FISCAL CHALLENGE AHEAD: "Our nation is approaching a tipping point. We are at a moment, where if government's growth is left unchecked and unchallenged, America's best century will be considered our past century."

DEBT LIMIT: "Whether sold as 'stimulus' or repackaged as 'investment,' their actions show they want a federal government that controls too much; taxes too much; and spends too much; in order to do too much and spends too much in order to do too much."

ROLE OF GOVERNMENT: "We believe government's role is both vital and limited -- to defend the nation from attack and provide for the common defense; to secure our borders; to protect innocent life; to uphold our laws and Constitutional rights; to ensure domestic tranquility and equal opportunity; and to help provide a safety net for those who cannot provide for themselves."

LIMITED GOVERNMENT: "We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity."

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Milton Republican TV

MRTV is available in Milton at our cable public access channel biweekly.
  • Tuesday's 6:00PM
  • Thursday's 10:00AM
Current program:
 The Town of Milton Redistricting Process 
Hosted by Bob Hiss, Chairman MRTC and explained by Jim Mullen, Milton Town Clerk. View this very informative explanation of the redistricting process. See why the entire Town was redistricted for 2012.

The program is repeated until a new episode is created. Share this blog announcement using your social network link below or use email. Spead the news.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Citizens For Limited Taxation

MRTV [Milton Republican TV]
Mary Beth Sorgi Chairperson

Mary Beth Sorgi led a discussion for format / content for MRTV. One of the three topics was Citizens for limited taxation.

Here is a three part series on this topic:
Barbara Anderson of Citizens For Limited Taxation three part series, speaking at the Newburyport Republican Committee Meeting- May 27, 2009.

MRTV is available in Milton at the public access channel biweekly.
  • Tuesday's 6:00PM
  • Thursday's 10:00AM
The program is repeated until a new episode is created.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Milton Republicans Welcome You

Join this site and the Milton Republican Town Committee.

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Milton Massachusetts Republican Town Committee